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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

In Their Own Words: Baby Booties and Answered Prayers

You've heard Tadd and Andrea's story. How their "rainbow baby" came to them. This week they celebrate their daughter being theirs for five months and Andrea shared this story of Clara's little baby shoes, shoes they had long before five months ago...

5 months old! This girl has stolen my heart 1000%. She is the answer to many many many prayers. 

When Tadd and I first got married, we bought a pair of baby booties, and faithfully prayed over them every night, for a precious child of our own. Tragedy struck multiple times. One loss, then another. Two sweet babies in Heaven. 

Our hearts began to grow weary in our pursuit to fulfill our God given desires for a family of our own. But we continued to faithfully pray over those baby booties. 6 years into our marriage, tragedy struck yet again, with the loss of our Cameron Lee. 

My heart began to give up. When we got home from the hospital...home without our sweet boy... Tadd pulled out the baby booties we had so faithfully prayed over all those years. My heart was too weary, and I told him to put them away. That we must have misunderstood God's calling on our lives to be parents. 

But Tadd's determination just grew stronger, and there in our room, as he held those tiny little baby booties, he called out to God and rebuked Satan from destroying our lives. He prayed and cried over those precious booties. Then he handed them to me, and simply said "whatever it takes...don't give up on your dreams. Whatever it takes...I won't let you give up." 

Here, my friends...is proof of the power of prayer. Here is testament that God still creates beauty from ashes. If ever you've had doubts of the faithfulness of our loving Savior...look into the eyes of this precious child, knowing full well that He makes all things beautiful...IN HIS TIME.

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