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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hello Spring

Spring this year came in with a crazy bang.  In less than 2 weeks Kansas City saw temperatures in the 70's and people in shorts to another huge snow storm, aka Snowpacalyse 3.  In fact, it was so bad the kids didn't even have school yesterday. (On the heels of spring break this wasn't as wonderful as a snow day might sound.)

Every season since I've begun blogging, I've taken a little snapshot of what life looks like in my world (here's my fall and winter). Ironic that my pics for winter and spring are so similar...

So here's my beginning of spring...

Location:  Panera. It's become my little work space away from home where I work, have meetings, and dig into the word weekly with some amazing ladies. (And where I order my favorite: cheesy potato soup and Fuji apple salad or have endless coffee).

Watching:  American Idol with billions of other people. If you can be on 3 teams, I'm on team Kree, Candice, and Angie. And I secretly enjoy most of Nicki Minaj's comments. "You're my little marshmallow..." 

Eating:  Some of my own cooking. What?!  It's true. I'm trying my hand at making my family food a little more often recently (I guess some moms do this on a regular basis). So the house hasn't burned down, I have all of my fingers, and my kids aren't starving so I think we're doing ok.

Drinking:  Lots of caffeine. It's been rough season and I've needed the beauty of extra bold coffee. (OK - let's not lie. I'm not sure if there's a season I don't appreciate coffee.)      

Wanting:  To simplify my life. I've been purging things around the house that we no longer need but also craving space to purge all of the other extras that steal my family's time, energy, and joy. Spring cleaning, y'all, in a holistic sense.  

Needing: To embrace all that this Lenten season and Easter means for my life. God promises full redemption and restoration through Jesus. For that I'm thankful and needing this truth to sink way down deep.

Loving:  My job. Working as an adoption consultant for Christian Adoption Consultants is nothing short of incredible. It's an honor to be able to do something I'm so passionate about, have a flexible schedule to be able to be the wife and mama I need to be, and help create families. I honestly can't think of anything better.

Creating:  More time to be with Jesus. It's always hard to carve out that time every day but I'm never sorry.

Thinking: We're crazy blessed with good friends. Justin and Gretchen invited us over during Snowmaggedon over the weekend. The kids had fun roasting marshmallows at the fireplace and the adults had fun watching movies after they went to bed and herding and entertaining all 6 kids when they woke up. Only close friends can see me in my yoga pants.  Friendship solidified.

Wondering:  If my summer picture will also have snow. I live in KC so there are no promises...

1 comment:

  1. "Only close friends see me in yoga pants."
    AMEN, sister!
    So thankful for those type of friends as well!
    Happy Spring (errr...eventually)!


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