One night Stephanie texted me a voice recording of one of her sweet boys praying for a baby sister. It was at a point in their journey that they weren't sure how, or even if, God would answer their prayers. Today Stephanie shares the details of how God brought a daughter (and a little sister) into their family. And how it was nothing short of miraculous.

Monday, January 11, 2021
Adoption Story: Justin and Stephanie
Our family truly believes in God has a plan for us and we just have to keep praying and have faith!
When I was finishing college, I had to have a new and rare procedure done that came with a lot of unknowns of long-term outcomes. When I met my husband, Justin, we had the conversation early on that if we were unable to have children of our own, we would adopt. After we were married, we met with my medical team and the high risk OBGYN's, discussed the option of pregnancy, and decided to move forward. We were able to get pregnant, and after a fairly rough pregnancy, we welcomed our son Cameron five weeks early unexpectedly when my placenta detached. Wanting more than one child, we asked about trying again. With our medical teams support and another rough pregnancy, we welcomed our second son Ethan three weeks early.
We were advised that trying again would not be good for my health, but we still felt our family wasn't complete. Justin and I talked about adopting from time to time after that, and occasionally Cameron would ask when he was going to get a baby sister. We started looking into state agencies in May of 2019, but they didn't feel like the right fit. We were referred to Christian Adoption Consultants in January of 2020. We reached out and were connected with Susan and she helped us start the process of getting our profile built and our home study completed. We were home study approved by mid-March!
We had talked to the boys about our plans to adopt and they joined us in praying for a baby to join our family. They started every night praying the sweetest prayer: "Dear God, please send us baby sister. We will love her, take care of her, and play with her. Amen!" We went through the Spring and Summer with only a few situations that we presented to and were not selected. But our boys kept praying that same prayer every night - they wouldn't let us forget! We kept praying...
Tuesday, September 8th at 2:00pm everything changed. I received an email from an attorney with details about a mama who wanted to make an adoption plan for her seven week old baby girl. Just 24 hours later, we found ourselves on a phone call that would change our lives. After introductions and some important questions, this mama said "I want you guys to have her, can you come pick her up tonight?" I remember just sitting there in disbelief and clenching my husband's hand as we said "yes if we can!" What followed was like a whirlwind as arrangements were made and within an hour we were on the road in the dark and rain to drive an hour and pick up this baby who would become our daughter later that night.
That evening began a beautiful relationship with our daughter's birth mom. We've been told the events that led up to our daughter's adoption are incredibly rare, and we have no doubt God was in so many details. We're sure He put us on the path for Aspen to join our family!
She is the perfect addition to our family! She is such a good baby and her brothers are in love with her. We captured the boys on video coming down the stairs the morning after we brought her home and their smiles and pure joy was amazing. Our oldest said, "We prayed for you!" as he kissed her and patted her head. Truer words have never been spoken!
Monday, January 4, 2021
Adoption Story: Ryan and Jenny
When my phone lights up with a text from Jenny, I know I'm about to see the sweetest baby face and an update with how things are going. Just today I got a video filled with baby giggles, adoring siblings, and a family who grew from five to six in seven months.
Jenny shares today about their adoption and specifically their experience working with Christian Adoption Consultants.
When the Lord spoke, we moved. Quite literally we moved into a home that would accommodate a family of six. Our yes to the Lord had to couple with some very practical next steps - like moving. The second step we took was to pick up the phone and call Susan. One of our dear friends recommended Susan after she walked with her through two adoptions. Because I trusted Amanda, I trusted Susan. Beyond the network of vetted, ethical agencies that Christian Adoption Consultants (CAC) connected us with, which of course was an asset, it has been Susan's calm, wise counsel through each step that has been invaluable.
As I sat with a lump in my throat, staring at a blinking cursor trying to find the words to write my first letter to an expectant momma, it was Susan I called. When I was felt disheartened by yet another "not yet" after presenting to a situation, it was Susan I called. She has continually brought the voice of the Lord to our journey, as unique as it has turned out to be. Her wisdom from years of serving in the world of adoption was an anchor and compass through some of the hardest days. She would relentlessly tell me, "God is orchestrating this. You will not miss the baby He wants to entrust to you." It became a declaration through the matching phase that was much more emotionally costly than I expected.
I am forever grateful for the way CAC led, served, and continues to celebrate alongside our family as we started our adoption journey last November and now - just a year later - are just weeks away from finalization. Our arms are full, our hearts expanded, and our family complete. God has done more than words can aptly express and I'm still trying to find the right ones to share more. But for now, I can say with the deepest appreciation that Susan and the team at CAC have been an invaluable partner in the journey to welcome home our little one and I am forever grateful for their role in what God has been orchestrating in our family.
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