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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Adoption Story: Scott and Karen

From the beginning, Scott and Karen were excited to see how God was going to use their story for His glory. Amidst having three beautiful girls, they had also had incredible losses through infertility and miscarriage. Their three daughters were as much a part of their decision as they were and were as thrilled as their parents to bring home a baby through adoption. I love how Karen shares her story of their family and their adoption...  

Scott and I have been married for 16 years. We always wanted a big family and sure enough, not long after we got married we found out we were pregnant. During our first doctor's appointment everything was going just as it should until the routine ultrasound scan showed the baby had no heartbeat. I was completely broken as being a mother was all I ever wanted. In all God's grace and to our surprise, two months later I found out I was pregnant again. Before we knew it we had our first baby, Emma LeighAnn. A short 14 months later Danielle Elise arrived. Our girls were close in age and we loved it! When we decided to have another child, we knew we wanted to do the same and have two close in age. In 2003 Faith Elisabeth was born. We had three beautiful daughters...what more could we ask for?  

It was about a year after Faith was born that we decided to try again; and we spent the following 9 years trying to grow our family. After experiencing heartbreaking losses, struggling just to have a successful pregnancy, and too many miscarriages to mention, our desire to one day complete our family with another baby was as strong as it was shortly after Faith was born. Beyond all of this, the miracle is that God has NEVER left our sides. If anything, He has literally carried us these past nine years. Little did we know God's plan for our lives. On Christmas Eve 2013, while sitting on the front porch, we decided to pursue something near and dear to God's heart - adoption.

We began our official adoption Journey with Christian Adoption Consultants in mid January last year. We were quickly home study approved in March and that same month were matched with an expectant mom due in July. Unfortunately that ended in a failed adoption. Still believing Gods plan was so much bigger than ours, we decided to quickly start the matching process again. And just after two short weeks we were matched again with a beautiful couple expecting a boy in December. Davis Dawson was born in early December. The most amazing part was after many years of heartache, all it took was seconds of holding this little boy for it all to melt away. 

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