One of the things I do working in adoption is direct people to good resources. There are lots "out there," but only a few are worth a family's time and energy. Here's just a few of my favs...
Adoption Blogs (follow them)

Apart from having the most fantastic name ever, Kristen's blog offers witty insight as a mother of four via birth and adoption. One of my favorite posts was just last week about educating kiddos on adoption. Also, check out her "What I Want You To Know" guest post series. She's got several posts from birth mamas that offer incredible insight.

Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet
One mama's journey to adoption and thoughts on faith and parenting. I especially love Sara's thoughts on "entering motherhood through the back door." She speaks honestly and openly about infertility and her birth canal from the U.S. to Africa. And get your hankies if you want to meet two of their beauties here.
Adoption Books (read them)
The Third Choice: A Woman's Guide to Placing A Child For Adoption, Second Edition by Leslie Foge and Gail Mosconi
I'm recommending this book to all of my clients (adoptive parents and birth parents alike). This is written as a guidebook for birth mothers thinking about making an adoption plan. Super helpful for adoptive parents as well to hear what the birth family is going through and navigating an ongoing relationship.
The Spirit of Adoption: Winning the Battle for the Children by Randy Bohlender
My friend Randy shares his thoughts that the reality of being pro-life also means being pro-child. And he's got some ownership in it with nine children (five of whom are adopted). My favorite chapter likens the adoption movement to the underground railroad; helping women choose life for their babies and families willing to set aside their comfort to do it.
Adopted For Life: The Priority of Adoption for Christian Families & Churches by Russell D. Moore
If you want the theology behind James 1:27 - this is it. Amazon calls this "a practical manifesto for Christians to adopt children and to help equip other Christian families to do the same."
That's all for now. But be careful. If you read these resources and feel like adoption is for "someone else," you might be surprised...