Admittedly, my mailbox is the happiest every December. It fills up with beautiful adoptive families that I've been blessed to work with; families that have become sweet friends.
As each greeting comes, I look at the sweet faces and remember their story. Often one more sweet face has been added to the picture since their last Christmas card was sent. It's a beautiful chance to recount the amazing work God has done in their lives.
Represented here are just a handful of stories of loss, of heartbreak, and struggle. There is infertility, mounds of paperwork, fundraisers and money painstakingly saved. There is anxious waiting, prayers spoken in the dark, and tears few others see. But there is also expectation and awkward first meetings, laboring beside a birth mama, and seeing that face for the first time. There are baths and cuddles and bedtime stories and prayers. There are homes filled with laughter and learning and hope.
There are families.
The faces that show up in my mailbox in December are a sweet reminder of the incredible blessing I have to get a front row seat to the miracles God does when he creates a family.
Are you dreaming of having another face on your Christmas card in 2015? Click here for ways to make that happen.