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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Congratulations Alan and Karen

I met Alan and Karen in a coffee shop in April. Over coffee we talked about their dreams of adoption, the wait they had already had, and they asked a lot of good questions. We chatted, they took notes, and at the end of the conversation had a new path for their adoption with Christian Adoption Consultants.

Alan and Karen were diligent in their adoption process. Wanting to ensure the best birth parent care, the most ethical adoption, and the right fit for their family, we had a lot of conversations about adoption together. But more than the mechanics of it all, Alan and Karen had a heart to have a baby. They were eager to welcome a little one into their home and become a family of three.

As each situation was sent to them: a birth family expecting a little one and seeking an adoptive family, they thought and prayed through each one. And three months into the process, they were matched. An expectant mother due with a sweet baby girl. The following days were spent preparing a nursery and getting to know the birth family.

Six weeks later this precious girl arrived on the scene a few weeks earlier than expected. And although she is small, she has been nothing short of miraculous. 

A sweet little miracle.

A huge answer to countless prayers.

And the newest addition to this family of three. 

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